Saturday, March 22, 2008

Peeps Hi Hat Cupcake

Peeps Hi Hat Cupcake
Originally uploaded by watchjennybake.
With all the baking blogs I read, I often come across recipes I can't get out of my head. When Laurie from the Quirky Cupcake blog posted about her entry for the Fierce Cupcake Challenge, including a Peeps vs. Bunnies war, I found myself going back to it just to have another giggle.

(Go ahead. I'll be here when you get back. It's worth it, trust me!)

I like to make treats for my student workers and have been on a cupcake kick this year, so this seemed perfect. When I was running out of steam Tuesday night I started thinking about just making a normal buttercream for the top, but followed through on the recipe.

It starts with a normal enough chocolate cupcake, but then you make a cooked meringue that goes on top (making them look more like ice cream cones than cupcakes... this is where the hi-hat name comes from), then they are dipped in chocolate, and topped by sprinkles. And Peeps, in my situation.

The end result is a cupcake sweeter than you would believe - the meringue is more like a marshmallow, and I'm pretty sure everyone who ate one left for Easter Break on a huge sugar high.

I was going to wait until Easter and post something about an amazing masterpiece that I was sure I would put together - but I am just not in a baking mood tonight, so this might be it!

Categories: Chocolate, Cupcakes, Holiday, Meringue


  1. So glad you liked them! We thought they were pretty sweet too. Sometimes a little sugar rush is just what you need. ;)

  2. Well I love Peeps so I would love them.

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I've been looking for something to do with all these spare Peeps I have lying around after early Easter--this is perfect!

  4. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Cute :)

  5. Fantastic hi-hats!!! I love this idea. More ways to torture peeps... :-)
