Thursday, January 28, 2010

Daring Bakers January 2010 - Nanaimo Bars

The January 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Lauren of Celiac Teen. Lauren chose Gluten-Free Graham Wafers and Nanaimo Bars as the challenge for the month. The sources she based her recipe on are 101 Cookbooks and

I'm a little late posting this, but these were quick to assemble. I used hazelnuts instead of almonds but otherwise followed the recipe as is!

These are sweet, way too sweet for me, and even an extra sprinkling of nuts on top didn't do much to cut it down. I will be bringing these in to work on Friday, stop by until we get sent home for snow. :)

On the other hand, it is always nice to pay a culinary tribute to Canada. I share a birthday with the country, so we're close.

Categories: Chocolate, Cookies, Coconut, Daring Bakers


  1. Beautifullly done, Jenny! I agree, way too sweet. Next time I would omit the butterream filling and use something else, but then they wouldn't be Nanaimo's! Oh, well lol

  2. They definitely are sweet. Although I did manage to eat two out of the freezer yesterday!

  3. I am loving that close-up, Jenny!

  4. Very nice Jenny! I think I'm hungry:)

  5. sooooooooooooo tempting they r!

  6. I actually made these for the Opening Ceremony for the Olympics! They are just awesome! gotta love the filling! I wish i would have put these up on my blog too!
