Saturday, January 02, 2010

JennyBakes 2010 Culinary Resolutions

I got this idea from the guys over at The Bitten Word, and thought it was brilliant. I don't do well on resolutions in general, but I thought culinary ones would be some good goals to try to accomplish in 2010.

1. Make the third of the laminate doughs. I have made danish pastry (twice, actually) as well as puff pastry. 2010 will be the year I tackle croissants!

2. Bread baking - I was given The Bread Baker's Apprentice for Christmas and I am so excited to get started. Looking back on several Daring Bakers Challenges, I have made his lavash, pizza dough (I make this all the time now!), and sticky buns. I'm looking forward to spending more energy learning about savory, non-sweet, yeast breads.

3. Cake decorating - I need to buy my own decorating supplies, or get my Mom to send me my old stuff from back when I first took the Wilton classes. I made marshmallow fondant in 2009, but I want to tackle the more standard stuff. I also want to try modeling chocolate. I have no aspirations to become a cake decorator, since technically I used to work as one in a bakery without all the fancy stuff, but I definitely feel I have a lot to learn!

4. Trifle. I have a beautiful trifle dish that has never been used. Shameful!

5. To be intentional about seasonal ingredients. Horror of horrors - last year I skipped both the peach and apple seasons in my area, which are possibly the best fruits coming out of southern North Carolina and northern South Carolina. Really, no excuse. :)

Wow, I don't want to get too carried away. I think this is a good start.

I hope your 2010 gives you creative space!


  1. Good luck on keeping your resolutions! :)

  2. What a terrific idea - I should think about doing something like this too!

  3. Happy New Year Jenny. Looking forward to another year of your great blog posts.

  4. Sounds like an excellent start. Good luck!
