Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Thai Tea Cookies

Thai Iced Tea Cookies
Originally uploaded by watchjennybake.
I love Thai iced tea. Well, I love iced coffee from that region more, but the iced tea with its orangey color has a special spot in my heart. Sometimes we buy the Tessa Thai Tea powder, which I can't find anywhere online to link to. It could be that David Rio, the tea company that used to make it, isn't doing so anymore. That would be a shame, it was an easy guilty pleasure.

On the side of the box was a recipe for Thai Tea Cookies. I couldn't get it out of my head so I whipped up a quick batch yesterday. They are chewy and sugary but full of flavor, and my student workers devoured them. If you don't like coconut, you won't like these. And vice versa. :)

Thai Tea Cookies
1 stick (8 tbsp/4 oz) butter, room temperature
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2/3 cup Tessa Thai tea powder
1 egg
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup shredded coconut

My simplified instructions:
Cream butter with sugar and tea powder. Beat in egg. Lightly mix in dry ingredients and stir in coconut. Chill dough for 30 minutes. Bake at 300 F for 10-12 minutes (I baked mine for 14). Let cool for 5 minutes before removing from cookie sheet.


David T. Macknet said...

Sounds delicious! Thai Iced Tea in a cookie? Oh, yeah.

Anonymous said...

How innovative. they look delicious

Eliana said...

Pass on the tea because these look perfect.

Cin said...

Hi Jenny, can instant tea powder be substitute?

Jenny Colvin said...

I'm not sure Tan Cindy, this seemed specific to how the powder would function (I believe it is half milk powder.) but if you try it let me know!